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Category: Pesticide CAS number 13071-79-9

Import Responses


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Party Party response Decision Date published
Canada Final decision No consent to import 12/06/2024
Legislative or administrative measures:

According to the Pest Control Products Act, subsection 6(1): No person shall manufacture, possess, handle, store, transport, import, distribute or use a pest control product that is not registered under this Act […].

Terbufos was registered in Canada and considered to be severely restricted in 2004 following its re-evaluation (RRD2004-04, Re-evaluation of Terbufos), as indicated in a Notification of final regulatory action (NFRA) that was submitted to the Convention Secretariat on September 3rd, 2008. At that time, all uses were cancelled, but one use remained registered to allow for the development of transition strategies for the management of wireworms in sugar beets (REV2008-06, Update on the Use of Terbufos on Sugar Beets). As outlined in REV2008-06, the registration of this last use on sugar beets expired in 2012. Therefore, an updated NFRA was submitted to the Secretariat on January 30th, 2021 to confirm that terbufos is officially banned in Canada since August 1st, 2012.

Chile Interim decision No consent to import 12/06/2024
Costa Rica Final decision Consent to import only subject to specified conditions 12/06/2024
Conditions for import:

According to current regulations, in Costa Rica only pesticides duly registered with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock are allowed to enter in the country, for a specific concentration, type of formulation, place of origin, formulator or specific manufacturer.

The sale in the country of formulated products that contain Terbufos must be only through a professional prescription issued in official forms approved by a professional of the College of Agricultural Engineers.

Only granulated formulations containing Terbufos are authorized in quantities over fifteen kilograms, in original packaging, to be applied only to soils using a manual or mechanical granulator pump.

Legislative or administrative measures:

1. Phytosanitary Protection Law No. 7664, article 24: No natural or legal person may import, export, manufacture, formulate, store, distribute, transport, package, repackage, advertise, manipulate, mix, sell or use chemical substances, biological or related for agricultural use, that are not registered in accordance with this law...", currently there are records in the country of technical grade active ingredients and formulated pesticides containing Terbufos in their formulations.

2. Formulated products containing this active ingredient in their formulation are restricted, as per Executive Decree No. 34143-S-MAG-TSS-MINAE Regulating registration, import, redistribution, manufacturing, formulation, repackaging, storage, import, marketing, mixing and use, of raw material or formulated product, containing the agricultural pesticide Terbufos Granulated

Eritrea Final decision No consent to import 12/06/2024
Legislative or administrative measures:

Legal Notice Number 114/2006

Regulation for Importation, Handling, Use, Storage and Disposal of Pesticides

Annex 1: List of Pesticides

Terbufos is excluded from this allowable list

Indonesia Final decision No consent to import 12/06/2024
Legislative or administrative measures:

Ministerial Decree of Agriculture No. 43 year 2019 concerning Pesticide Registration

Malaysia Final decision No consent to import 12/06/2024
Legislative or administrative measures:

Pesticides Act 1974

The Customs (Prohibition of Imports) Order 2017

New Zealand Final decision No consent to import 12/06/2024
Legislative or administrative measures:

On 1 July 2023, the Environmental Protection Authority of New Zealand under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (HSNO Act) decided that all approvals to import, manufacture or use Terbufos were to be revoked. The ban took effect from 1 August 2023, and all users, manufacturers, importers and suppliers must dispose of remaining stocks by 1 December 2023.

The revocation of approvals followed a reassessment carried out under the provisions of section 63 of the HSNO Act, which included a determination that the environmental and human health risks associated with the use of Terbufos outweighed the benefits obtained from its use.

APP201045-APP201045-Decision-Amended-with-s67As-and-APP202142-2015.07.28.pdf (

Under section 25 of the HSNO Act it is prohibited for hazardous substance to be imported or manufactured without an approval under the HSNO Act. As no approvals for Terbufos exist, such substance may not be imported into New Zealand.

Norway Final decision No consent to import 12/12/2023
Legislative or administrative measures:

Plant Protection Products containing terbufos are not authorized for use, import or marketing in Norway. To our knowledge there has never been a request for registration of plant protection products containing terbufos in Norway.

Oman Final decision No consent to import 12/12/2023
Legislative or administrative measures:

According to the legislation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources (160/2023)

Royal Decree No. 46/95 on the law relating to the handling and use of chemicals.

Paraguay Final decision No consent to import 12/06/2024
Legislative or administrative measures:


Qatar Final decision No consent to import 12/06/2024
Legislative or administrative measures:

National legislative:

- Law No. 24 of 2010 Promulgating the Law (Regulation) of Pesticides in the States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab State of the Gulf.

- Resolution No. 4 of 2005 by the Chairperson of the Supreme Council of the Environment and Natural Reserves (SCENR) issuing executive bylaw for law No. 30 of 2002 on environment protection.

State of Palestine Final decision No consent to import 12/12/2023
Legislative or administrative measures:

1.Palestinian Environmental Law No. 7 for the year 1999

Article (14) The Ministry, in coordination with the specialized agencies shall designate the environmental conditions for the import, distribution, manufacturing, use, and store of pesticides, substances, and agri-chemical fertilizers, which may pose hazards to the environment.

Article (15) The Ministry, in coordination with specialized agencies, shall set instructions and standards specified for agri -chemicals, that are, allowed to be imported, manufactured and distributed in Palestine, and shall ensure observance of it.

2.Palestinian agricultural law No. 2 of 2003 give responsibilities to the Ministry of Agriculture to establish national scientific committee to register pesticides and specify technical specifications and information related to pesticides

3.Agricultural pesticides by law No.9 for the year 2012

Article (4) It is prohibited to register any pesticide of the following pesticides: 1. Banned pesticides in Palestine. 2. Banned Pesticides 'in the origin country for health or environmental reasons. 3. Pesticides classified by the World Health Organization and the US Environmental Protection Agency as containing chemicals that cause cancerous tumors, congenital malformations, genetic mutations or highly toxic to humans or animals. 4. Pesticides that cause contamination of ground water.

4 . The national scientific committee of agricultural pesticides adopt national Guide list of agricultural pesticides allowed to be used in state of Palestine.

5. The National Technical Committee for the Management of Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes reviewed the chemicals have been listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention and Stockholm convention and adopted import responses

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Final decision No consent to import 12/06/2024
Legislative or administrative measures:

Terbufos is not approved as an active substance under Regulation (EC) 1107/2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market,

or as an active substance under Regulation (EU) 528/2012 concerning the making available on the market and use of biocidal products. Consequently, terbufos is considered banned from all use in the category 'pesticide'.