Party |
Party response |
Decision |
Date published |
Albania |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2013 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Law No. 9108, dated 17.07.2003 On substances and preparations, prohibits the manufacture, import, export and distribution in the Republic of Albania for substances included in Appendix II of this Law. Based in this Appendix II, are prohibited to manufacture, import, export and distributions Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and preparations with content of this substance in quantity higher than 0,005% (with exception of mono and bichlorinated biphenyls). |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2014 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Final decision based on the policy of the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board of Antigua and Barbuda, not to register for use in the country chemicals listed in annexes A, B or C of the Stockholm Convention once viable alternatives are readily available. |
Argentina |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2002 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
1) Resolution MS NO.437/01 and MTEFRH NO. 209/01 Published on the Congressional Record, May 04, 2001. Prohibits: production, importation and commercialisation of polychlorinated biphenyls and products and/or equipment formulated on its basis. 2) Resolution SA and DS, NO.249/02 Published on the Congressional Record, May 31, 2002. Prohibits: import, production, commercialisation and/or new applications of PCBs(PCB: polychlorinated biphenyls, PCD: polychlorinated dyphenyls, PCT: polychlorinated terphenyls, PBB: polybrominated byphenyls and all mixes), and any material containing this elements or contaminated, whatever could be the adopted use or application. |
Armenia |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2001 |
Australia |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/06/2021 |
Conditions for import:
That the introduction has been approved by the Minister responsible for Customs (Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956, regulation 4AB). Additional legislation may apply in states and territories. Initial contact for queries on the import these chemicals should be Australia's DNA for industrial chemicals. | Legislative or administrative measures:
Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956. |
Bahrain |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1995 |
Belize |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2009 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Environmental Protection Act, Schedule of Hazardous Substances, Part I, Subpart A. |
Benin |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2014 |
Conditions for import:
Under authorization of the registration committee of chemicals and Ministry for the Environment (DNA). |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2017 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
1. The import, manufacture, placing on the market and use of these substances, mixtures and articles containing these substances is prohibited, so as their export. 2. By way of derogation of paragraph 1, articles already in use at the time of the entry into force of this rulebook/decision are allowed to be used. Legislation: 1. Rulebook on conditions for restrictions and bans on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of chemicals (Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska, no 100/10 and 63/13) (Annex II Part A). 2. Decision on bans and restrictions on the import, manufacture, placing on the market and use of certain hazardous industrial chemicals in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, no 52/16). |
Botswana |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2023 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Administrative measure to protect public health. |
Brazil |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Inter-ministerial Directive no.019 of 29 January 1981 - Ministries of Interior, Industry and Trade, and of Mining and Energy - Prohibits the implementation of processes that aim at producing PCBs , and prohibits the use and trade of PCBs. New equipment used to replace old ones must not contain PCBs. |
Bulgaria |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
PC Bs are listed in Annex I to Regulation (BG) on import and export of certain dangerous substances, preparations and products (CM Decree No. 129 of 01.07.2002, SG 66 of 09.07.2002, p7) as banned for use as industrial chemicals. Exceptionally, derogation may be granted till the end of 2005 for primary and intermediate products on the terms of closed system, such as transformers, resistors and inductors according to Regulation (BG) on bans and restriction on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances, preparations and products (CM Decree No. 130 of 01.07.2002, SG 69 of 09.07.2002). Further to general prohibition of PCBs, the import of any preparation with a PCB content of more that 0.005% is prohibited. |
Burkina Faso |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2006 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Law n° 005/97/ADP dated 30 January 1997 concerning the Burkina Faso Environmental Code |
Cabo Verde |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2014 |
Cambodia |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2022 |
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) is |
Cameroon |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2018 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
ORDER No 004/MINEPDED/CAB of 21st SEPT 2017 amending and completing the list of chemicals of Decree No 2011/2581/PM of 23rd August 2011 on the regulation of harmful and/or dangerous chemicals. |
Canada |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/06/2012 |
Conditions for import:
The import of PCBs and product containing PCBs in a concentration of 2 mg/kg or more is prohibited unless permitted by the exceptions listed below. Exceptions: · Import of PCBs or products containing PCBs for the purpose of laboratory analysis if the analysis is conducted: (a) in an authorized facility that is authorized for that purpose; or (b) in a facility that conforms to internationally recognized guidelines on best laboratory practices, if the authorities of the jurisdiction in which the facility is located do not have a mechanism in place to authorize the facility to conduct the analysis. · Aircraft, ships, trains and other vehicles that contain PCBs only in their communication, navigation or electronic control equipment or cables; · A colouring pigment containing PCBs produced incidentally if the concentration of the PCBs is less than 50 mg/kg. However, the annual average concentration of PCBs produced incidentally in colouring pigment that a person may import shall not exceed 25 mg/kg; · Fusion sealed capacitors containing PCBs for use in relation to communication tactical equipment or electronic control tactical equipment. The conditions above do not apply to: · Import of PCBs that are hazardous waste or hazardous recyclable material within the meaning of the Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulation (; · Import of liquids containing PCBs for use in microscopy, including immersion oils, but not including refractive index oils, which is prohibited under section 4 of the Hazardous Products Act ( | Legislative or administrative measures:
The PCB regulations ( under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act1999 ( regulate the manufacturing, sale, export, import and use of PCBs in Canada. |
Chad |
Interim decision |
Consent to import |
12/01/1995 |
Chile |
Interim decision |
Consent to import |
12/12/2000 |
China |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2024 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
List of Emerging Pollutants under Priority Control (2023 Edition) jointly issued by Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs and State Administration for Market Regulation. Production, processing, import and export are prohibited. Additional information in relation to the Macao Special Administrative Region (Macao SAR) on the import response concerning a chemical listed in Annex III Final decision: No consent to import. National legislative or administrative measure upon which the final decision is based: In accordance with Order of the Chief Executive 164/2019, the import and transit of chemical substances listed in the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and contained in the annexed table of the Order which form an integral part of the Order are prohibited in the Macao SAR from 22 October 2019. |
Colombia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Act 1196 of 2008 which approves the "Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, "Appendix A. Elimination. Official journal No. 47,011 published 5 June 2008 |
Congo |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2004 |
Conditions for import:
According to the results of the PCB inventory, the equipment and containers were made without the technical assistance from UNEP, 161 transformers contain PCB. The imports were extended from 1948 to 1985. At the moment, there is no final information to prove that the PCB have been imported to Congo. |
Cook Islands |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2014 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Cook Islands Environment Act 2003. |
Costa Rica |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2015 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Executive Order 30050-S, published in the Official Gazette No. 10 of 15 October 2002. |
Côte d'Ivoire |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2008 |
Croatia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Stockhom Convention - ratified and adopted 17 May 2004 |
Cuba |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2008 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Resolution of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Nr. 176/2018 "Regulations on the National Registry of Hazardous Chemicals". Standard applicable only to hazardous chemicals for industrial use. It contains Annex Nr. 2, wherein "Chemicals subject to a differentiated control regime" are listed. | Remarks:
This regulation is intended for contents of the substance greater than 50 ppm. |
Cyprus |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1995 |
Czechia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2001 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Production, import, export and distribution of the preparations containing more than 0.005% by weight of the substance is banned (with exception of mono- and dichlorinated biphenyls) by the Act No. 157/1998 Code, on chemical substances and chemical preparations and amending some other Acts, as last amended, and its implementing Decree No. 301/1998 Code, as last amended. The production and import of the substance for research, scientific and analytic purposes in quantity less than 100 g per year from one producer or importer is permitted. The institution responsible for issuing this national measure is Ministry of Environment. |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2004 |
Conditions for import:
The import of the chemicals must be accompanies with the permission of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the Ministry of Public Health |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2012 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Circular note No. 5011/0195/AGRI/PE.EL/2012 of 16 February 2012 concerning the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention, Section V, Article 19 : the use of all chemicals listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention is prohibited in the DRC. |
Dominican Republic |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2009 |
Ecuador |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2006 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
*Executive Act N° 046 published in the Official Register N° 324 dated 11 May 2001, modified by Executive Act N° 3516 published in the Oficial Register dated 31 March 2003, especial edition N° 2 of the unified text of the secondary legislation from the Ministry of Environment, book VI, annex 7 "List of Hazardous banned chemicals " **External trade and investments Council (COMEXI), Annex I, resolution n° 182. published at the Official Register N° 057 dated 8 april 2003 ""Nomina de Subpartidas Arancelarias de Prohibida Importación". Complete name and address of the institution / authority in charge of this legislative or administrative measure at national level. * Ministerio del Ambiente, Av. Amazonas y Eloy Alfaro, Edif. MAG, Piso 7 - Quito. ** Ministerio de Comercio Exterior, Industrializacion, Pesca y Competitividad Consejo de Comercio Exterior e Inversiones (COMEXI), Av. Amazonas y Eloy Alfaro, Piso 1 - Quito. |
El Salvador |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2021 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Agreement No. 409. Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources. Official Gazette No. 210, Volume No. 417, dated 10 November 2017, pages 32-35. |
Equatorial Guinea |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2016 |
Eritrea |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Due to administrative measures and market forces. |
Eswatini |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2015 |
European Union |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2005 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
It is prohibited to produce, place on the market or use PCBs. The chemicals, whether on their own, in preparations or as constituents of articles, were banned by Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on persistent organic pollutants and amending Directive 79/117/EEC (OJ L 229, 29.6.2004, p.5). |
Gabon |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2015 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Order n° 2112/PM amending and supplementing certain provisions of Order n°00515/PM of 17 July 2010 setting out import and use conditions of certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides. |
Gambia |
Interim decision |
Consent to import |
12/01/1997 |
PCBs are supposedly imported in closed systems. Regulations on use and import are lacking. |
Georgia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2018 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Governmental decree N263 on Rule of Import and Export of Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides and Implementation of Prior Informed Consent Procedure (Adopted 13.06.2016). |
Ghana |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1994 (ACT 490) |
Guinea |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2005 |
Conditions for import:
The conditions are as follow: -to address a written request in order to obtain the previous authorization for import, to the responsble autority elected by the minister of the environment (reference: Articles 6 and 10 of the decision A/2001/4785/MMGE/SGG of October 26, 2001, concerning article 8 of the D/97/287/ decree PRGSGG of 24 december 1997, stablishing the management and control of harmful and dangerous chemicals in Guinee Republic); - to obtain a previous authorization to import, delivered by competent authority (reference: Article 5 of the decision A/2001/4785/MMGE/SGG 26 october 2001) - PCBs/or PCBs equipments only can be imported by industrials unities, mining industry, building constructions companies, electricity centrals and production and distribution centers, laboratories and research centers, etc, and this, for certain uses when the need is justify, since this product appears in order no. 57 of appendix II of the decision A/2001/4784/MMGE/SGG of October 26, 2001, making reference for application to articles 3, 4 and 5 of the D/97/287/PRG/SGG of December 24, 1997. - importer obligation to present the stocks of import products once arrived at the terrestrial borders, maritime or air of the national territory, for a chemical and physical control by qualified agents of the service of the environment or by any other organization of control entitled for this procedure (reference: Article 12 of the decision A/2001/4785/MMGE/SGG of October 26, 2001. - name, address of the competent authority from which the previous autorisation should be obtained: M. le directeur national, Direction nationale de la prevention et de la lutte contre les pollutions et nuisances, Ministere de l'Environnement, BP 3118, Conakry, Republique de Guinee. Fax: (224) 46 85 46 | Remarks:
Guinea has a certain number of plastic factories, of foam and painting that use diverse chemical agents like raw materials, between which the PCB could be found. This product imported and used in the industrial units under diverse commercial names, is very bad t known by the workers and the populations in general. In quality of substitute of the PCB, there is a possibility that fractions of PCB exist in the oil remainders of PCB that are in some electrical mining and central societies of the sector. The workers of these industrial units are regularly exposed to these products and dangerous remainders with the risks and dangers that it means for their health, their families' and the environment. The Government, finding a lack of instruments for the characterization, evaluation of the toxicity, ecotoxicity, cancerigenocity, etc, of these industrial products and their remainders, with the purpose of restricting the field of use of all the forms of PCB and to reduce the exhibition of the populations, workers and of the environment, etc, decided to classify this product PIC in the national list of chemical substances strictly regulated (Annexed II of the A/2001/4784/decisionMMGE/26 SGG of October 2001, until a final decision is taken on this matter. |
Guinea-Bissau |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2010 |
Guyana |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2007 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Administrative decision of the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board. The product is not registered nor any application for registrationhas been received for this product. |
Honduras |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2014 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Ministerial resolution 1071-2014. |
Hungary |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2003 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Restricted by the Hungarian Decree 41/2000 (XII.20) EüM-Köm on the restriction of certain activities involving dangerous substances and dangerous preparations (published in Magyar Közlöny 2000/126, page 8240 - 8251) |
India |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/01/1995 |
Indonesia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2020 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Government Regulation Number 74 Year 2001 concerning Hazardous and Toxic Substances Management. |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2003 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
A decree by the supreme council of Environment Protection |
Israel |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2012 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Hazardous substances Law, 1993. |
Jamaica |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Food and Drug Act |
Japan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Law Concerning the Evaluation of Chemcial Substances and Regulation of their Manufacture, etc |
Jordan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2002 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Regulation of import N(1) of 1997 and its amendment of 1999 authorise the Ministry of Health to regulate the import of restricted and banned chemical to Jordan. A special permission is required from the Ministry of Health for chemicals prior to their entry into the country. The regulation is under the process of modification after issuing new law for " import and export" No 21 for 2001. The institution responsible for issuing the Law and regulation for import is the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The import of chemical is regulated by the Ministry of Health which is the focal point for chemicals in Jordan and the DNA (C) for the PIC procedure, In 1996 the Ministry of Health adopted a list of banned and restricted chemicals, after consulting the international agencies and authorities to improve control of chemicals entering the market. The list was updated in 2001. This chemical was included in the list in 1996 as a banned chemical. |
Kazakhstan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2019 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan about ratification of Stockholm convention from 7 June 2007 N 259-3 and Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan about ratification of Rotterdam convention from 20 March 2007 N 239-III. items 38-2, 38-6 of article 17, item 4-1 of article 239, and item 2 of article 280 of Ecological Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 9 January 2007 N° 212-II. |
Kuwait |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2008 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Banned Decree No. 96/2007. |
Kyrgyzstan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2012 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Ordinance of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of on June 6, 2011 Number 289 About entering additions and changes to the Ordinance of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic from July 27, 2001 Number 376 On Measures for environmental protection and public health from the adverse effects of certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides. |
Lao People's Democratic Republic |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/1999 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
1. Law on the Chemicals Management, No. 07/NA, (2016). 2. Ministerial Decision on the Industrial Chemicals Type, No 0389/MolC.DoIH (2018). |
Lesotho |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2018 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Banned under the Environment Act 2008. |
Liechtenstein |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
It is prohibited to manufacture, place on the market, import in a private capacity, or use: a. polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs); b. substances and preparations that contain polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and are not merely unavoidable impurities. (Swiss Ordinance on Risk Reduction related to the Use of certain particularly dangerous Substances, Preparations and Articles of August 2005, Annex 1.1) |
Madagascar |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2011 |
Malawi |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
It is an administrative measure not to import and use the chemical in the country. |
Malaysia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Customs (Prohibition of Imports) order 1988, first schedule, under Customs Act 1967. |
Mali |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2007 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Decree nº 01-2699/MICT-SG of 16th October 2001 listing the products the import and export of which are prohibited. Act nº 01-020 of 30yh May 2001 on pollution and nuisance |
Mauritania |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2014 |
Mauritius |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2000 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
"Supplies (Control of Imports) Regulations", 1991; "Consumer Protection Act". |
Mexico |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2006 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Articles 86, section I and II of the General Law on Prevention and Complete Waste Management |
Montenegro |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2019 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Law on chemicals ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" no. 051/17 as of 03/08/2017), Article 44, Article 47, Article 48. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) are not entered in the list of registered chemicals in Montenegro. Uses of this substance are banned under Decree on prohibited and permitted methods of use, manufacture, and placing on the market of chemicals that present unacceptable risk to human health and the environment which fully transposed Annex XVII of REACH regulation. |
New Zealand |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (under which only approved hazardous substances can be imported or used) |
Nicaragua |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2014 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Ministerial Resolution No. 37-2007, published in the Official Gazette of Nicaragua, No. 5, of 08 January 2008. A copy of the regulatory measure is attached. |
Niger |
Interim decision |
12/12/1999 |
Nigeria |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/01/1998 |
Severely restricted for use in closed application in transformers. The chemical is not manufactured or formulated in the country. Additional time is needed to reach a final decision (3-5 years). FEPA has launched an awareness-raising programme for companies and authorities which use PCB-based transformers on hazards related to this chemicals, in order to phase out its use. There is an urgent move to assess the extent of PCB wastes in the country, identify target companies and the most environmentally sound manner of disposal. There is an awareness as to the need of non-PCB-based transformers but alternatives are not yet identified. |
North Macedonia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2012 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
List on Bans and Restrictions of the use of chemicals (Official Gazette of RM 57/2011) |
Norway |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1995 |
Exceptionally, derogation may be granted for primary and intermediate products on a case by case basis. Further to general prohibition of PCB, the import of any preparation with a PCB content of more than 0,005% is prohibited. |
Oman |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2002 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Royal Decree No. 46/95 Issuing the Law of Handling and Use of Chemicals. The institution responsible for issuing this national legislative or administrative measure is Ministry of Regional Municipalities, Environment & Water Resources. |
Pakistan |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2016 |
Details can be provided once the national inventory for Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). is developed. |
Panama |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2010 |
Conditions for import:
The Stockholm Convention, law n° 3 of January 20, 2003, published in the Official Bulletin N° 24726 of January 24, 2003, establishes the import restriction to a range of 50 ppm. Executive Decree n° 305 of September 4, 2002 published in Official Gazette n° 24634 29 September 2002, a national legislative mesure, established at its fifth article: "All substances banned or severely restricted in at least four States, will also be banned in our country". The substance polychlorinated biphenyls n°107 of annex I to this executif decree. |
Peru |
Interim decision |
Consent to import |
12/06/2006 |
Philippines |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/07/1996 |
Qatar |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2005 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Article 26 Environment Law (30) 2002 |
Republic of Korea |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2002 |
PCBs and mixtures containing 0.005% or more of PCBs are banned for manufacture, import and use an industrial chemical. Exception are however made for the PCBs currently used in electrical transformers and for the use of the chemical for research or laboratory purposes. No other remaining uses are allowed. The authority responsible for issuing the legislative measure is Ministry of Environment. There might have been a request of registration in the past and the chemical was used, for example, in electrical transformers. It is banned due to risk of various toxic effect on humans and the environment. |
Republic of Moldova |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2009 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
The Government Decision on Approval of Regulation on Polychlorinated Biphenyls, No. 81 of 02 February 2009. This act has been published in the Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, No. 27-29 of 10 February 2009. The production and placing on the market of PCB whether on its own, in preparations or as constituents of articles, is prohibited. Placing on the market means supplying or making available to third persons against payment or free of charge. Imports into Moldova shall also be deemed to be placed on the market. |
Romania |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2004 |
Conditions for import:
The placing on the market and use of polychlorinate biphenyls (except mono- and dichlorinated biphenyls)and preparations, including waste oils, with a PCb content higher than 0.005% by weight shall be prohibited. It grants derogations from the ban on marketing and use of such primary and intermediate products for further processing into other products, in so far as they consider that these derogations have no deleterious effects on health and the environment. | Legislative or administrative measures:
Government Decision No 347/27.03.2003 regarding the restriction of placing on the market and of the use of some certain dangerous chemical substances and preparations transposed the European Council Directive no 76/769/EEC of 12 July 1976 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations and establishes the restrictions to the placing on the market and to the use of substances, groups of substances and the dangerous chemical preparations presented in its Annex No 1, with the purpose of ensuring the health protection of the population and environment. The provisions of the present Decision don't apply to: the transport of dangerous chemical substances and preparations by land, by air or by sea the dangerous chemical substances and preparations which are exported in countries not being members of the European Union the dangerous chemical substances and preparations that are in transit or which are subjected to the customs operations, on the condition not to be processed. According with the Art. 4(1) - The substances, groups of substances and the dangerous chemical preparations provided at Art 1 may be placed on the market and used only with the abidance of the specific restriction conditions established in the Annex No. 1 Column B. (2) the provisions of the Align (1) don't apply to the substances, groups of substances and the dangerous chemical preparations used for the research and development activities. Government Decision No 173/13.03.2000 for the regulation of the special management and control regime of polychlorinated biphenyls and other similar compounds. In order to avoid negative impacts on human health, goods and the environment, polychlorinated biphenyls and similar compounds, hereinafter called designated compounds, shall be subject to a special management and control regime, established by this Decision. The provisions of this Decision shall apply to all equipment and waste or other materials containing the designated compounds in concentrations of at least 50 ppm for concentration in a volume of more that 5 dm3. Minimal values, of 50 ppm for concentration and of 5 dm3 for volume, respectively, of the designated compounds shall be included under the name of minimal quantities. For power capacitors the volume of designated compounds shall be calculated as total volume of all the elements in a set. |
Russian Federation |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2014 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Item 1.2. "Dangerous waste which import to the customs territory of the Customs Union is banned" from the Unified list of goods subject to bans and restrictions for import and export by the Customs Union members within EurASEC in the trade with the third countries which was approved by Decision No 134 "Regulatory legislative acts on the non-tariff regulation" made by the EurASEC College on 16.08.2012. |
Rwanda |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2021 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Ministerial Order No 003/2021 of 08/02/2021, determining the list of chemicals and other polluting substances that are not permitted. Published in Official Gazette n° Special of 10/02/2021. |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2019 |
Samoa |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1996 |
Sao Tome and Principe |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2015 |
Senegal |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2006 |
Serbia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2011 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Banned by Serbian Regulation on Bans and Restrictions of Production, Placing on the Market and Use of Chemicals which Represent Unacceptable Risk on Human Health and Environment ("Official Gazette RS", No 89/10), |
Singapore |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2003 |
Conditions for import:
A Hazardous Substance Licence is required for the import of PCBs | Legislative or administrative measures:
PCB is controlled as a Hazardous Substance under the Environmental Protection and Management Act (EPMA) and its Regulations. A licence is required for the import, use and sale of PCBs. PCB has been banned from use since 1980 |
Slovakia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1996 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Ordinance No. 8/1990 of the Ministry of Health of Slovakia. |
Slovenia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2003 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Order on the restrictions of placing on the market and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations (O.J. 73/99, 24/01, 71/02) |
South Africa |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2017 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Government Gazette 37818 published in Government Notice R. 10232 on the 10 July 2014 in terms of the Gazette for the Regulations to Phase out the use of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) of National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998). | Remarks:
- May be imported for Laboratory Analysis and Research. |
Sri Lanka |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2008 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants aims to protect human health and the environment by banning the production and use of some of the most toxic chemicals including PCB. The Convention was signed on 05/09/2001 and ratified on 22/12/2005 by Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka did not request any exemption. Technical Advisory Committee for the Rotterdam Convention met on 17/10/2008 and also decided not to allow importation of PCB since Sri Lanka has to phase out PCB by 2025. |
State of Palestine |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2020 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
1. Palestinian Environmental Law No.7 for the year 1999 Article11 :The Ministry (Environment Quality Authority) shall issue, in coordination with the competent authorities, one list or more of the hazardous materials and waste Article 12: No one may process, store, distribute, use, treat or dispose of any solid or liquid or gaseous hazardous materials or waste except according to the regulations and instructions determined by the Ministry in coordination with the competent parties. 2. The National Technical Committee for the Management of Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes reviewed the chemicals have been listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention and Stockholm Convention and adopted import responses. |
Suriname |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2005 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Decree Negative list imports and exports, 18 September 2003, S.B. no 74 (State Gazette). |
Switzerland |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
It is prohibited to manufacture, place on the market, import in a private capacity, or use: a. polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs); b. substances and preparations that contain polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and are not merely unavoidable impurities. (Ordinance on Risk Reduction related to the Use of certain particularly dangerous Substances, Preparations and Articles of August 2005, Annex 1.1) |
Syrian Arab Republic |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2007 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
A formal letter sent by the Minister of Environment to the Ministry of Electricity and the Ministry of Petroleum, dated 3/2/2002. |
Thailand |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1995 |
Togo |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2017 |
Need for a national socio-economic assessment with the participation of national stakeholders. |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Interim decision |
Consent to import |
12/06/2001 |
Tunisia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2022 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
-This chemical is a persistent organic pollutant (POP) and its import and export are banned under the Stockholm Convention to which Tunisia is a Party. -The National Technical Committee for the health and environmental safety of chemicals gave the non-consent to the export of this chemical. -Ministry of National Economy Circular of 1986 on the prohibition of the import of equipment (transformers and capacitors) which use PCBs and the obligation to scrap any faulty equipment, which uses an oil with PCB. |
Türkiye |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2020 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Manufacturing/production, marketing (including import) and use of PCB (as substance, in the mixture and as a constituent of articles) were banned according to the By-law on Persistent Organic Pollutants (Official Gazette no. 30595 dated 14.11.2018) by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. Therefore, the final decision of Turkey is "no consent to import". |
Ukraine |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/06/2018 |
Conditions for import:
It is allowed subject to compliance with the order of Hygienic regulation and state registration of hazardous factors in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population» dated on February 24, 1994 (item 9 of the Law) and subject to entering into the State Register of dangerous factors. |
United Arab Emirates |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2013 |
United Republic of Tanzania |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2016 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Listed in the Eighth Schedule to the Industrial and Consumer Chemicals (Management and Control) Act No 3 of 2003, chemicals banned or severely restricted in accordance to MEAs ratified by the government. | Remarks:
Importation of PCBs as chemicals and in oil and Electrical Equipment is prohibited. |
Uruguay |
Interim decision |
Consent to import |
12/12/2006 |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2007 |