Party |
Party response |
Decision |
Date published |
Albania |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2013 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Law no. 9362 dated 24/03/2005 on "Plant Protection Service", as amended. Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 1555, dated 12.11.2008 "On approval of rules of registration and assessment criteria of Plant Protection Products (PPP)." According to paragraph 7.2, Chapter II, PPP may be registered for trade and use in the Republic of Albania, if its active substance(s) is/are included in Appendix II, attached to this decision. In this Annex, lindane is not included. |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2020 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Final decision is based primarily on the fact that Lindane is a highly hazardous chemical based on the WHO classification. It poses an unacceptably high risk to human health and the environment. The pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board is committed to registering only lowest risk pesticides for use in the country unless viable alternatives are unavailable. Viable alternatives are available for this product. |
Argentina |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2002 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Resolution SAGP and A, NO.513/98 Published on the Congressional Record, August 13, 1998. Prohibits: importation, commercialisation and phytosanitary use of active ingredient Lindane and all the products formulated with its basis in the Republic of Argentine. |
Armenia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2016 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Severely restricted and banned chemical substances and pesticides' import-export in Armenia is regulated by the Rotterdam Convention On Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia On implementation of the Republic of Armenia obligations under Rotterdam Convention signed September 10, 1998 (No. 1508-N dated October 29, 2004); Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia On approval of the list of the chemicals and pesticides banned in the Republic of Armenia (No. 293-N dated March 17, 2005). |
Australia |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/06/2002 |
Conditions for import:
The active constituent lindane and all agricultural and veterinary chemical products containing the active lindane are prohibited imports under schedule 9 of the Custom Regulations, unless authorised by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry or an authorised officer of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry-Australia | Legislative or administrative measures:
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Code Act 1994. Custom (prohibited imports) Regulation 1956. |
Bahrain |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2016 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Ministerial Order No. 7 of 2002 with respect to Control of Banned and Severly Restricted Chemicals Minesterial Order No 4 of 2006 with respect to Hazardous Chemicals Management. |
Belize |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2005 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Classified as a prohibited pesticide in Schedule IV of the Pesticides Control Act of 1985, Chapter 181B of the Laws of Belize, and in the Pesticides Control (replacement of Schedules) Order, 1995. |
Benin |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/06/2014 |
Conditions for import:
Authorization of the Ministry of the environment after opinion of the National Committee for the Approval and the Control of Plant Protection Products |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Decision on prohibiting of the registration, import and placing on the market plant protection products containing certain active substances ("Official gazette of BH" No 55/08) |
Botswana |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2023 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
AGROCHEMICALS ACT OF 1999 - provides for registration and licensing of agrochemicals to control or regulate their importation, manufacture, distribution, use and disposal, so as to prevent pollution to the environment or harm to human, plant or animal life, and to provide for matters, incidental and connected to the foregoing. |
Brazil |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2008 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
- Ministry of Environment/Normative Instruction emitted by Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Renewable Resources - IBAMA nº 132 of 10 November 2006, published in DOU (the official gazette from the Brazilian Government) of 13 November 2006 (Prohibit the importation, production, trading and utilization). - Ministry of Health / Resolution emitted by Directory of National Health Surveillance Agency - ANVISA - RDC nº 165 of 18 August 2006, published in DOU of 21 August 2006 (Prohibit all kinds of uses of Lindane in Brazil). | Remarks:
The production of formulations with Lindane was finished in 30 November 2006; The trading was finished in 30 March 2007; The uses were finished in 30 June 2007. |
Bulgaria |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
It is prohibited to use and place on the market all plant protection products containing Lindane according to the provisions of Article 15 of the Law on plant protection (SG 91 of 10.10.1997, amended SG 90 of 15.10.1999, amended SG 96 of 09.11.2001). |
Burkina Faso |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2008 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
As resutl of the meeting of the Sahelian Pesticides Committee |
Burundi |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2003 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
The use of lindane in agriculture has been prohibited due to its persistence in the environment, its bioaccumulation in the food chain and its toxicity for terrestrial and aquatic beings. Its registration number in the register of pesticides, which are prohibited for agricultural purposes is 2001-01-P007 according to the Ministerial Ordinance N. 710/838. |
Cabo Verde |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2008 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
The pesticide has not been registered by the Sahelian Pesticide Committee which is the regional organization in charge of pesticides registration according to national legislation, Act nº 26/97 |
Cambodia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2015 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
-Law on Pesticide Fertilizer Management, 2012 -Law of Banned Pesticides, 2012 |
Cameroon |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2008 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Act nº 2003/003 of 21 April 2003 Decree nº 2005/0772/PM of 06 April 2005 Order nº 057/05/A/MINADER/SG/DPA/SDPV/LAD of 22 August 2005 |
Canada |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2012 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Lindane (gamma-HCH) is not registered as a pesticide under the Pest Control Products Act as a result of regulatory action. | Remarks:
Lindane is not registered under the Pest Control Products Act and pesticide uses of lindane are not permitted in Canada. Lindane imports for other uses will be acceptable when they align with Canada's Specific Exemption(s) as registered under the Stockholm Convention. |
Chad |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Chile |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/1999 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Legislative or administrative measures - Through the Resolution No. 2180 of 17 July 1998, it was decided to prohibit to import, to manufacture, to sell, to distribute, and to use lindane in agriculture. |
China |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/06/2021 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
·Additional information related to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) related to the import response for Annex III chemicals: Published: 12/06/2009; Final decision on import: No consent to import. Additional information related to Macao Special Administrative Region, Macao related to the Import responses for Annex III chemicals: Final decision on import: No consent to import. National legislative or administrative measure upon which the final decision is based: In accordance with the Chief Executive Order no. 164/2019, the import and the transit of chemical substances, listed in the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutions, and contained as part of the order, were prohibited in the MSAR from 22 October 2019. Date of publication: 12/06/2021 |
Colombia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
ICA resolutions 2156, 2157, 2158 and 2159 of 1991 cancel the sales licence of lindane-based insecticides (formulations of wettable powders and emulsifiable concentrates). |
Cook Islands |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2014 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Cook Islands Pesticides Act 1987 |
Costa Rica |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/1999 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Banned by the "Decreto Ejecutivo No. 25934-MAG-S". | Remarks:
Banned by the "Decreto Ejecutivo No. 25934-MAG-S". |
Côte d'Ivoire |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Lindane has not been registered in the Côte d'Ivoire since 2000. Import, production and sale of Lindane has therefore been prohibited since that date. |
Cuba |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2008 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
National decision adopted and disseminated to the interested Parties, under the power conferred to the Designated National Authority, as entity empowered to register pesticides authorized for use at national level (Joint Resolution of Ministries of Agriculture and Public Health). In process of approving resolution which grants legal status to this national decision adopted. |
Cyprus |
Final decision |
Consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Czechia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2003 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
The substance is not registered for use in plant protection preparations. Import of the substance is banned by the ACT No. 147/1996 Code on phytosanitary care and amending some other Acts, as last amended, and by its implementing Decree No. 91/2002 Code. The import of the substance for research purpose is permitted. |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
Final decision |
Consent to import |
12/12/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
According to "The Law for Environment Protection" (April 9, 1984) and "The National Regulation of Pesticide Management", the partial use of this chemical is permitted as a chemical for plant protection. The prospective use of this chemical will be decided again through consultation with the National Pesticide Registration Agency, The Ministry of Agriculture, The Ministry of Public Health and other relevant organizations. |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2012 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Circular note No. 5011/0195/AGRI/PE.EL/2012 of 16 February 2012 concerning the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention, Section V, Article 19 : the use of all chemicals listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention is prohibited in the DRC. |
Dominican Republic |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2014 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Prohibited use and marketing by Decree N. 217-91, June 4, 1991. |
Ecuador |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2001 |
El Salvador |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2000 |
Equatorial Guinea |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2016 |
Eritrea |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Legal Notice Nº 113/2006. Regulations for Importation, Handling, Use, Storage and Disposal of Pesticides |
Estonia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Eswatini |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2020 |
Ethiopia |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2010 |
Conditions for import:
Import permit required from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Import permit issued on a case by case basis. |
European Union |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
It is prohibited to produce, use or place on the market lindane (gamma HCH). The chemical whether on its on, in preparations or as a constituent of articles was banned by Regulation (EC) No. 850/2004 of the European Parliament of the Council of 29 April 2004 on persistent organic pollutants and amending Directive 70/117/EEC (OJ L 229, 29.5.2004, p. 5) | Remarks:
Lindane is classified under Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provision relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances (OJ 196, 16.8.1967, p.1) as: T; R25 (Toxic; Toxic if swallowed) - Xn; R20/21, R48/22 and R64 (Harmful; Harmful by inhalation and in contact with skin, Harmful danger of serious damage to heath by prolonged exposure if swallowed, may cause harm to breastfed babies) - N; R50/53 (Dangerous to the environment; Very Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment). |
Gabon |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2016 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
DecisioNº 2112/PM modifying and completing certain provisions of decision Nº 00515/PM of 17h July 2010 laying down the import and use conditions of certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides. |
Gambia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Georgia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2014 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Severely Restricted and banned chemical substances and pesticides' import-export in Georgia is regulated by the Rotterdam Convention On The Prior Informed consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, and by the Georgian Law 1998 of Pesticides and Agrochemicals |
Ghana |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1994 (Act 490). | Remarks:
There are remnant stock of chemicals that need to be retrieved and disposed. |
Guinea |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2006 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
-National policy on health and environment protection. -Decision No 2395/MAE/SGG/2001 of 6/06/2001 restricting and/or prohibiting the use of active substances in agriculture. -National weakness in the toxicological and ecotoxicological analyses. |
Guinea-Bissau |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
The product has not been authorized by the Sahelien Pesticide Committee (CSP). |
Guyana |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2007 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control (Prohibited Pesticides) Order No. 22 of 2006 made under the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Act 2000 (No. 13 of 2000). |
Honduras |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Hungary |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/01/1998 |
India |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/01/1998 |
Indonesia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1998 |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2005 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Production and import of the substance will be prohibited on 20 March 2005, based on the Resolution of 23 September 2002. |
Israel |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2012 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
1. Plant Protection Law, 1956 2. Hazardous Substances Regulations (Registration of Formulations for the Control of Pests Harmful to Man), 1994 3. Free Import Order, 2006 |
Jamaica |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/06/1999 |
Japan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
1. Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Law 2 Pharmaceutical Affairs Law |
Jordan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2001 |
Kazakhstan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2020 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan about ratification of Stockholm Convention from 7 June 2007 N259-3 and LAW of Republic of Kazakhstan about ratification of Rotterdam convention from 20 March 2007 N 239-III, items 38-2, 38-6 of article 17, item 4-1 of article 239, and item 2 of article 280 of ecological Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 9 January 2007 No 212-II. |
Kenya |
Interim decision |
Consent to import |
12/06/1999 |
Kuwait |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Decree No. 95/1995. |
Kyrgyzstan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2012 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Ordinance of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of 27 July 2001 No. 376 on measures to protect the environment and health of the population from adverse effects of certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides. |
Lao People's Democratic Republic |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2015 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Regulation on the Control of Pesticide in Lao PDR, No. 2860/MAF, dated 11 June 2010 |
Latvia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Lebanon |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2003 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Ministerial decision # 262/1 Dated 26/09/2001 |
Lesotho |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2021 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Environment Act 2008 as amended in 2018. The schedule amended in 2018 has listed lindane as a banned chemical. |
Liberia |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2001 |
Libya |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Not registration in the pesticide list for Libyan agriculture pesticide |
Liechtenstein |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
It is prohibited to manufacture, place on the market, import in a private capacity, or use: a. lindane; b. substances and preparations that contain lindane that are not merely unavoidable impurities. (Swiss Ordinance on Risk Reduction related to the Use of certain particularly dangerous Substances, Preparations and Articles of August 2005, Annex 1.1) |
Madagascar |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2011 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Decree N°4196/06 of 23 March 2006, prohibiting the sale and use in agriculture of any pesticide active subtance. |
Malawi |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Malaysia |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2008 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Import and manufacture of all pesticides are controlled under the Pesticides Act 1974 through a registration scheme and the Act is implemented by the Pesticides Board of Malaysia. No lindane is permitted to be imported, manufactured, sold or used in the country except for purposes of research or education, where certain conditions apply. Entry into force of the find regulatory action: 15 Aug. 2005. |
Maldives |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2019 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Description of the national legislative or administrative measure: banned through a public announcement. Please find below the link to access the banned list (Ministry of Fisheries Marine Resources and Agriculture Website) guidance_and_regulations/2a8b8da0-0e95-4b53-9ef8-5734e3a4062b national gazette announcement link (in Dhivehi) view/102762. |
Mali |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2007 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Decree nº 01-2699/MICT-SG of 16th October 2001 listing the products the import and export of which are prohibited. Act nº 01-020 of 30yh May 2001 on pollution and nuisance |
Mauritania |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2006 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
This pesticide has not been registered by the Sahelian Pesticides Committee, the regional body for registration, under national legislative and regulatory texts (Act 042/2000 on plant protection). |
Mauritius |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Mexico |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/01/1998 |
Mongolia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Government resolution nº 95/2007 Annex I "List of prohibited chemicals in Mongolia". | Remarks:
11446 kg of lindane, used in 21 soums of 10 aimags with 391,5 kg of deposit was reported in the inventory. |
Montenegro |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2019 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Law on chemicals (Official Gazette of Montenegro, 051/17), Article 44, Article 47, Article 48, Lindane is not entered in the list of registered chemicals in Montenegro and is not on the list of active substances permitted for use in the plant protection plant for 2018. Uses of this substance are restricted under Decree on prohibited and permitted methods of use, Manufacture, and placing on the market of chemicals that present unacceptable risk to human health and the environment which fully transposed Annex XVII of REACH regulation. |
Morocco |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2013 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
This pesticide is not registered in Morocco. Act No. 42-95 concerning the supervising and management of trade of agricultural pesticides (21st January 1997) : Article 2 : it is prohibited to import, manufacture, stock in the view of selling, to sell or distribute even for free pesticides for agricultural uses which have not been registered or which sale has not been authorized, or which have been exempted from registration according to the provisions of this law. |
Mozambique |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2015 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Resolution N° 10/2009, Ratify Rotterdam Convention and Decree N°06/2009 Regulation on Pesticides Management. |
Namibia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2023 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Link: , Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Remedies ACT 36 of 1947, Section 7. Lindane pesticides was never registered, imported and used in Namibia. |
Nepal |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2019 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
The pesticide has never been manufactured, formulated and imported in the nation and not included in the list of registration in Nepal |
New Zealand |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/06/2006 |
Conditions for import:
The transitional provisions for lindane under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (HSNO) expire on 1st July 2006, when the Toxic Substances Regulations 1983 are revoked. From 1st July 2006, lindane will be transferred into the HSNO Act as a single existing substance. General conditions relating to the hazards of this chemical will then apply. No formulations containing lindane are currently registered in New Zealand. | Legislative or administrative measures:
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (HSNO). | Remarks:
Small-scale use of this substances in a laboratory for research and development or teaching is exempt from a HSNO approval provided all the requirements of Section 33 of the HSNO Act are met. |
Nicaragua |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Ministerial Agreement No. 23-2001: import, commercialisation and use throughout the national territory of pesticide Lindane is prohibited; in its raw materials, formulated products and in any other mixture. Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, empowered conferred under Law No.274 "Basic Law for regulation and control of pesticides, toxic and hazardous substances, and other similar", and its regulations | Remarks:
This final regulatory action was based on the administrative provisions of the General Management of Plant Protection and Health (DGPSA/MAGFOR) on 18 August 1993, recommended by the National Commission of Agrochemicals at the meeting of 5 August 1993. |
Niger |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2008 |
Niger ratified the Rotterdam Convention which entered into force in June 2006, in January 2006 Niger ratified the Common Regulation of CILSS Member States (the Sahelian Pesticide Committee is in charge of implementing that regulation). Order Nº 092/MAG/EL/DPV of 08-07-99, listing plant protection products prohibited in Niger. All that has been said allows the country to conform to the regulation in force at a national, regional and international level. |
Nigeria |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/01/1998 |
North Macedonia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2012 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Chemical is not included in the List of active substances allowed for use in Plant Protection Products in R. Macedonia (Official Gazette of RM 159/2010). |
Norway |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Oman |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
- According to Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries legislations. - Royal Decree No. 46/95. Issuing the Law of Handling and Use of Chemicals. |
Pakistan |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Panama |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Paraguay |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Resolution No 447/93 prohibits the import, formulation, distribution, sale and use of organochloride-based insecticides. |
Peru |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/1999 |
Philippines |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/07/1998 |
Qatar |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2005 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Article No (26) from the Environment Law No (30) 2002 Pesticide Law No (10) 1968 |
Republic of Korea |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Republic of Moldova |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2009 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Lindane (gamma-HCH) has been prohibited since 1991. Not included in the official register of permitted substances for use in agriculture, including and individual farms, forestry and household. No import or sale permitted. | Remarks:
The chemical has never been manufactured in the Republic of Moldova. Not used. |
Romania |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2005 |
Starting with 1 January 2007 the use of Lindane as plant protection product will be forbidden. |
Russian Federation |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2015 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
List of substances banned for use in cosmetics and toiletries products. Cosmetic Technical Regulation of the Customs Union» N. 799 of 23.09.2011. Federal law No 109-?3 of 19.07.1997 concerning safe handling of pesticides and agricultural chemicals. Permitted for use on the territory of the Russian Federation. 2012 (approved by Ministry of Agriculture of Russia) |
Rwanda |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2002 |
All uses are forbidden in the country. Product never registered |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2019 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
National Legislative Measure: Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Act, Chapter 9.18 Schedule 3 Prohibited Products. |
Samoa |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2000 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Legislative or administrative measures - Pesticides Regulations 1990: Section 5 Pesticides Technical Committee; Section 6 Functions and Powers of the Committee - (b) To determine in its discretion the conditions of use of any pesticide... Meeting of 20 April 2000. Use allowed only for exempted pharmaceuticals. Cost / benefit - effective alternatives are available so phase-out- possible. |
Sao Tome and Principe |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2015 |
Saudi Arabia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2007 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Ministerial decision based on recommendation from the relevant technical departments. | Remarks:
It was registered in the past, but its registration was cancelled because it was proven risky to human health, animal and the environment. |
Senegal |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2007 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Results of the Sahelian Committee on pesticides meeting. | Remarks:
National use and re-export to the West African Sub-region |
Serbia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2011 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Cannot be placed on the market according to the Law of Plant Protection Products (Official Gazette RS, No 41/09) and banned by Regulation on bans and restrictions of production, placing on the market and use of chemicals which represent unacceptable risk on human health and environment (Official Gazette RS, No 89/10) |
Singapore |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2003 |
Conditions for import:
Import for re-export purposes only. A hazardous Substance License is required for the import of the chemical. | Legislative or administrative measures:
The chemical is controlled as a Hazardous Substance under the Environmental Protection and Management Act (EPMA) and its regulations. A license is required for the import, use and sale. The chemical has been banned from local use since 1985. |
Slovakia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Slovenia |
Final decision |
Consent to import |
12/07/1998 |
South Africa |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/06/2006 |
Conditions for import:
Only used for structural pest control. | Legislative or administrative measures:
Chemical banned for all other uses except for use in structural pests control: Regulation R. 1061 of 15 May 1987 in terms of Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act (Act 36 of 1947). |
Sri Lanka |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2000 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
National legislative and administrative measures - All agricultural uses except for treatment of coconut nurseries and emergency use for spotted locust control prohibited since 1 August 1986 by Pesticide Formulary Committee (presently PeTAC) of 23/1986. All remaining uses prohibited in early 90's on a decision of the PeTAC. |
State of Palestine |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2020 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Palestinian Environmental Law No7 for the year 1999. ·Article (14) the Ministry, in coordination with the specialized agencies shall designate the environmental conditions for the import, distribution, manufacturing, use, and store of pesticides, substances, and agro-chemicals fertilizers, which may pose hazards to the environment. ·Article (15), the Ministry, in coordination with the specialized agencies shall set instructions and standards specified for agrichemicals, that are allowed to be imported, manufactured and distributed in Palestine, and shall ensure observance of it. 2. Palestinian agricultural law No. 2of 2003 give responsabilities to the Ministry of Agriculture to establish national scientific committee to register pesticides and specify technical specifications and information related to pesticides. 3. agricultural pesticides bylaw No9 for the year 2012 ·Article (4) It is prohibited to register any pesticide of the following pesticides: 1. Banned pesticides in Palestine. 2. Banned pesticides in the origin country for health or environmental reasons. 3. Pesticides classified by the World Health Organization and the US Environmental Protection Agency as containing chemicals that cause cancerous tumors, congenital malformations, genetic mutations or highly toxic to humans or animals. 4. Pesticides that cause contamination of groundwater. 4. The national scientific committee of agricultural pesticides adopt national Guide list of agricultural pesticides allowed to be used in state of Palestine. 5. The National Technical Committee for the Management of Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes reviewed the chemicals have been listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention and Stockholm convention and adopted import responses. |
Sudan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
The Pesticides and Plant Protection Act. The National Pesticide Council decision number 3/2001 dated 3-7-2001. |
Suriname |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2003 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Decree negative list imports and exports, September 1, 1999, SB 34 (State Gazette). |
Switzerland |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
It is prohibited to manufacture, place on the market, import in a private capacity, or use: a) lindane; b) substances and preparations that contain lindane that are not merely unavoidable impurities. (Ordinance on Risk Reduction related to the Use of certain particularly dangerous Substances, Preparations and Articles of August 2005, Annex 1.1). |
Syrian Arab Republic |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2008 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Decision No 12/T date 14/2/2002 by Minister of Agriculture and agrarian reform |
Thailand |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2005 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
The Notification of Ministry of Industry entitled "List of Hazardous Substances (No. 2)". In this list, lindane has been identified as type 4 hazardous substance which is prohibited for import, production, distribution, possession or use in Thailand. |
Togo |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/01/1998 |
Tonga |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2015 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Hazardous Waste and Chemicals Act Pescitice Act |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/06/2001 |
Tunisia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2017 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
This pesticide has not been registered by the General Direction of the protection and quality control of agricultural products (DGPCQPA ) (MARHP). |
Türkiye |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
United Arab Emirates |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1998 |
United Republic of Tanzania |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/01/1998 |
Uruguay |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Vanuatu |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
- Act ratifying the Stockholm Convention, which is part of the legal framework of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. - Act on substances, hazardous materials and wastes (Article 7) All uses, imports and distribution of chemicals, persistent organic pollutants, with the exception of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), are banned. - Ministry of People Power for Agriculture and Lands. National Institute of Integrated Agriculture Health. Administrative Order. Office of the President/ INSAI N°28, Caracas, 15 July, 2009. According to this Order, registration of products used in cattle, aquaculture and fisheries with organic chlorine active ingredient, will not be allowed to import and use in the country as of 30/04/2010. |
Viet Nam |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Banned for import, trade and use |
Yemen |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2007 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
List of Banned and Severely Restricted Pesticides in Yemen. |
Zimbabwe |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2019 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Fertilizers, Farm Feeds and Remedies Institute Chapter (18:12) and Statutory Instrument 144 of 2012 (pesticide Regulations). |