Mercury compounds, including inorganic mercury compounds, alkyl mercury compounds and alkyloxyalkyl and aryl mercury compounds
Party |
Party response |
Decision |
Date published |
Albania |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2013 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Law no. 9362 dated 24/03/2005 on "Plant Protection Service", as amended. Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 1555, dated 12.11.2008 "On approval of rules of registration and assessment criteria of Plant Protection Products (PPP)." According to paragraph 7.2, Chapter II, PPP may be registered for trade and use in the Republic of Albania, if its active substance(s) is/are included in Appendix II, attached to this decision. In this Annex, mercury compounds, including inorganic mercury compounds, alkyl mercury compounds and alkyloxyalkyl and aryl mercury compounds, are not included. |
Argentina |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2006 |
Conditions for import:
Decision N° 3489/1 958 established an obligatory register at the Registro Nacional de Terapéutica Vegetal for all products used for treatment or destruction against animals or vegetals, cultivated or useful plants to be commercialized in the country. ResolutionSAGPyA N° 350/99 stablish the registration requirements for the phytosanitary products in the Argentinean Republic. | Remarks:
Decision N°3489/1958 - Published in the Official Bulletin: 24 mars 1958 Resolution SAGPyA N° 350/99 - Published in the Official Bulletin: 8 septembre 1999 Secretariat of Agriculture, Cattle, fish and food (SAGPyA) Ministry of Economy and Production Av. Paseo Colón 982 Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Armenia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2016 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Severely restricted and banned chemical substances and pesticides' import-export in Armenia is regulated by the Rotterdam Convention On Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia On implementation of the Republic of Armenia obligations under Rotterdam Convention signed September 10, 1998 (No. 1508-N dated October 29, 2004); Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia On approval of the list of the chemicals and pesticides banned in the Republic of Armenia (No. 293-N dated March 17, 2005). |
Australia |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2004 |
Conditions for import:
Subject to approval, registration, exemption or permit under the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Code Act 1994. | Legislative or administrative measures:
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Code Act 1994. | Remarks:
One product is registered in Australia, for use on sugar cane. |
Bahrain |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1996 |
Barbados |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1995 |
Belize |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2005 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Classified as a prohibited pesticide in Schedule IV of the Pesticides Control Act of 1985, Chapter 181B of the Laws of Belize, and in the Pesticides Control (replacement of Schedules) Order, 1995. |
Benin |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2022 |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1994 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2011 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Chemical is not included in the List of active substances allowed for use in Plant Protection Products in Bosnia and Herzegovina ("Official Gazette of BiH" No 11/11) |
Botswana |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2023 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
AGROCHEMICALS ACT OF 1999 - provides for registration and licensing of agrochemicals to control or regulate their importation, manufacture, distribution, use and disposal, so as to prevent pollution to the environment or harm to human, plant or animal life, and to provide for matters, incidental and connected to the foregoing. |
Brazil |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Directive No 02 of 6 January 1975 - Ministry of Agriculture - Prohibit the use of the pesticides containing methylmercury, ethylmercury and others alkylmercury compounds. Directive No 06 of 29 April 1980 - Ministry of Agriculture, SDSV - Prohibit the register of the mercury fungicide. Law No. 7.802 of 11 July 1989 and Decree No. 4.074 of 04 January 2002 - Pesticides and its compounds need to be registered by the Federal Authority prior to produce, export, import, trade or use. | Remarks:
There is no pesticide registered for any purpose, no intention of acceptance. |
Bulgaria |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1995 |
Burkina Faso |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2006 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Results of the Sahelian Pesticides Committee (CSP) meeting. |
Burundi |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2003 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Given its high toxicity on humans and aquatic organisms as well as its residues in the aquatic biotope, Mercury and its compounds are prohibited in Burundi by Ministerial Decree n 710/838 of 29/102001 under n 2001-01-2004 |
Cabo Verde |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2008 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
The pesticide has not been registered by the Sahelian Pesticide Committee which is the regional organization in charge of pesticides registration according to national legislation, Act nº 26/97 |
Cambodia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2015 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
-Law on Pesticide Fertilizer Management, 2012 -Law of Banned Pesticides, 2012 |
Cameroon |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2016 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Decree n°2011/2581/pm of 23 August 2011 on the regulation of harmful and/or dangerous chemicals. |
Canada |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Chad |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Chile |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1995 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Resolution No. 996 of 11/6/1993. |
China |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1993 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
·Additional information related to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) related to the import response for Annex III chemicals: Published: 12/06/2009; Final decision on import: No consent to import. |
Colombia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Mercurial fungicides have been prohibited by ICA. Registration cancelled by Resolution 2189 of 14 November 1974. |
Congo |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1994 |
Cook Islands |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1995 |
Costa Rica |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1994 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Banned by the "Decreto Ejecutivo No. 13-MNG". |
Côte d'Ivoire |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
It is prohibited to import, locally produce, place on the market, sell or use this product in order to protect human health and the environment. The product has not been registered since 1998. |
Croatia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
List of banned and restricted substances. Official Gazete 17/06 |
Cuba |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2008 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
National Decision in force under Resolutions 268/1990 and 181/1995 of the Ministry of Public Health | Remarks:
The adopted decision does not include the use of the product as a reference pattern or reactive used for the development of research and analysis activities |
Cyprus |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Czechia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2001 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Import of the substance is banned by the Act No. 147/1996 Code, on phytosanitary care and its implementing Decree No. 84/1997 Code, as last amended. The import of the substance for research purposes is permitted. |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
According to "The Law for Environment Protection" (April 9, 1984) and "The National Regulation of Pesticide Management", the use of this chemical for plant protection is prohibited because of its toxicity to human body and animal and causing environmental pollution. |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2012 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Circular note No. 5011/0195/AGRI/PE.EL/2012 of 16 February 2012 concerning the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention, Section V, Article 19 : the use of all chemicals listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention is prohibited in the DRC. |
Dominica |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/01/1996 |
Dominican Republic |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2014 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Prohibited use and marketing by Decree N. 217-91, June 4, 1991. |
Ecuador |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2001 |
Equatorial Guinea |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2016 |
Eritrea |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Legal Notice Nº 113/2006. Regulations for Importation, Handling, Use, Storage and Disposal of Pesticides |
Ethiopia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Not registered. |
European Union |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
It is prohibited to use or place on the market all plant protection products containing mercury compounds as an active ingredient according to Council Directive 79/117/EEC of 21 December 1978 prohibiting the placing on the market and use of plant protection products containing certain active substances (OJ L 33 of 8.2.1979, p.36), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 229, 29.6.2004, p.5). Furthermore, in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 1451/2007 of 4 December 2007 on the second phase of the 10-year work programme referred to in Article 16(2) of Directive 98/8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing ob biocidal products on the mrket the chemical is not allowed to be placed on the market for use as a biocidal product. |
Gabon |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/1999 |
Gambia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1994 |
Georgia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2014 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Severely Restricted and banned chemical substances and pesticides' import-export in Georgia is regulated by the Rotterdam Convention On The Prior Informed consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, and by the Georgian Law 1998 of Pesticides and Agrochemicals |
Ghana |
Interim decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2004 |
Conditions for import:
The import should obtain import permit from the Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana containing information including but no limited to: - Quantity of chemical to be imported; - Source of chemical (exporting country); - End use(s) of the chemical within Ghana. |
Guatemala |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1993 |
Guinea |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2006 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
1) Decision No 2395/MAE/SGG/2001 of 6/06/2001 restricting and/or prohibiting the use of active substances in agriculture. 2) National weakness in the toxicological and ecotoxicological analyses. 3) Human and environment protection. |
Guinea-Bissau |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
The product has not been authorized by the Sahelien Pesticide Committee (CSP). |
Guyana |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2007 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Administrative decision of the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board. The product is not registered nor any application for registration has been received for this product. |
Honduras |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1993 |
Hungary |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1993 |
India |
Interim decision |
12/07/1998 |
Indonesia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1995 |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2000 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Legislative or administrative measures - Mercury compounds banned as agricultural chemical based on the Resolution of 16 April 1973, under "The Pesticides Control Act" 1968. (Ministry of Agriculture.) Prohibit for use as a Plant Protection Products, antifoulants, wood preservatives and Slimicides. |
Israel |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2012 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
1. Plant Protection Law, 1956 2. Hazardous Substances Regulations (Registration of Formulations for the Control of Pests Harmful to Man), 1994 3. Free Import Order, 2006 |
Jamaica |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/1999 |
Japan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
1. Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Law 2. Pharmaceutical Affairs Law |
Jordan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1995 |
Kazakhstan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1996 |
Kenya |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1998 |
Kuwait |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Kyrgyzstan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2007 |
Lao People's Democratic Republic |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2015 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Regulation on the Control of Pesticide in Lao PDR, No. 2860/MAF, dated 11 June 2010 |
Lebanon |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1993 |
Lesotho |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2018 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Methamidophos is banned under Second schedule of the Environment Act 2008. Therefore it cannot be imported, manufactured, sold or used in Lesotho. |
Libya |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Not registration in the pesticide list for Libyan agriculture pesticide |
Liechtenstein |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Mercury compounds are banned as agricultural chemicals (they are not listed on Annex I of the Ordinance on Plant Protection Products, which entered into force in August 2005). Mercury compounds are prohibited for all other uses except for uses mentioned in Annex 1.7 of the Ordinance on Risk Reduction related to Chemical Products (ORRChem) which entered into force in May 2005 and which superseded the Ordinance relating to Environmentally Hazardous Substances (Osubst). Seed dressings for agricultural purposes and sealing agents for trees which were exempted from the mercury ban in the Osubst are no longer exempted from the mercury ban in the ORRChem. |
Madagascar |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2011 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Decree N°4196/06 of 23 March 2006, prohibiting the sale and use in agriculture of any pesticide active subtance. |
Malawi |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Malaysia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1994 |
Maldives |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2023 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Based on the "Pesticides used in agriculture Control Act". |
Mali |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2007 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Decree nº 01-2699/MICT-SG of 16th October 2001 listing the products the import and export of which are prohibited. Act nº 01-020 of 30yh May 2001 on pollution and nuisance |
Malta |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1994 |
Mauritania |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2006 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
This pesticide has not been registered by the Sahelian Pesticides Committee, the regional body for registration, under national legislative and regulatory texts (Act 042/2000 on plant protection). |
Mauritius |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1993 |
Mexico |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1994 |
Mongolia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1994 |
Montenegro |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2019 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Law on chemicals ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", 051/16), article 49: -The export of metallic mercury, cinnabarite, mercury (I) chloride, mercury (II) oxide and mixtures of metallic mercury with other substances, including mercury alloys, with a concentration of at least 95% of mass portion shall be prohibited. -The mixture of metallic mercury with other substances with the sole purpose of exporting metallic mercury shall be prohibited. -The metallic mercury used in the chlor-alkali industry, the metallic mercury obtained by purification of natural gas, the metallic mercury obtained by the extraction of non-ferrous metal ore and melting, and the metallic mercury obtained cinnabarite shall be considered as waste. Some uses of this substance are restricted under Decree on prohibited and permitted methods of use, Manufacture, and placing on the market of chemicals that present unacceptable risk to human health and the environment which fully transposed Annex XVII of REACH regulation. |
Morocco |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1994 |
Mozambique |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1995 |
Nepal |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1995 |
New Zealand |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1993 |
Nicaragua |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1993 |
Niger |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Nigeria |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
North Macedonia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2012 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Chemical is not included in the List of active substances allowed for use in Plant Protection Products in R. Macedonia (Official Gazette of RM 159/2010). |
Norway |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1993 |
Oman |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1993 |
Pakistan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1995 |
Panama |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1998 |
Paraguay |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1995 |
Peru |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/1999 |
Philippines |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1994 |
Qatar |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2005 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Article No (26) from Environment Law No. (30) 2002 |
Republic of Korea |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1997 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Use of mercury compound prohibited because of residue problems with phenylmercury acetate to control rice blast in 1969 and PMA-Hg for seed disinfection in 1976. |
Republic of Moldova |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2012 |
The chemical has never been manufactured in the Republic of Moldova. |
Romania |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2004 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Ministerial Order No. 396 /2002 on the banning of the use of plant protection products containing certain active substances on Romania's territory transposed partially the Directive 79/117/EEC of 21 December 1978 banning the placing on the market and use of plant protection products containing certain active substances, laid down in the Annex 1 at the Ministerial Order No.396/2002, excepting for research or laboratory analyses uses and export. In the emergency situations which can not be solved through other means, the Interministerial Commission for the certification of plant protection products may authorize for a period of maximum 120 days the placing on the market or the use of the plant protection products containing one or several substances mentioned in the annex. *Romanian final regulatory action bans all formulations in plant protection products of the Mercury compounds, including inorganic mercury compounds, alkyl mercury compounds and alkyloxy-alkyl and -aril mercury compounds. | Remarks:
The manufacturing and the import of plant protection products containing one or several of the active substances laid down in annex and which are certificated for their use in Romania are banned, the existing stocks to be consumed within 12 months from the entrance into force of the present order. This means, starting with 18 January 2003 as it is foreseen in the Ministerial order No.396/2002. The product for plant protection authorized in Romania do not contain mercury compounds as an active substance. The products were already banned by the Inter-ministerial Committee for authorization of plant protection products since 1990. |
Russian Federation |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2015 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Item 1.2 Dangerous waste which import to the customs territory of the Customs Union Is banned from the United list of goods subject to bans and restrictions for import and export by the Customs Union members within EurASEC in the trade with the third countries which was pproved by Decision No 134 Regulatory legislative acts on the non-tariff regulationmade by the EurASEC Collegue in 16.08.2012. Federal law No 109-?3 of 19.07.1997 concerning safe handling of pesticides and agricultural chemicals. Permitted for use on the territory of the Russian Federation. 2012 (approved by Ministry of Agriculture of Russia) |
Rwanda |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2002 |
All uses are forbidden in the country. Product never registered |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2020 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Administrative Measure: Policy decision to prohibit the product for use as a pesticide. |
Samoa |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1996 |
Sao Tome and Principe |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2015 |
Saudi Arabia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2007 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Ministerial decision based on recommendation from the relevant technical departments. | Remarks:
It was registered in the past, but its registration was cancelled because it was proven risky to human health, animal and the environment. |
Senegal |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2007 |
Serbia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2011 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Cannot be placed on the market according to the Law on Plant Protection Products (Official Gazette RS No 41/09) |
Singapore |
Final decision |
Consent to import only subject to specified conditions |
12/12/2003 |
Conditions for import:
A hazardous Substance License is required for the import of the chemical. | Legislative or administrative measures:
The chemical is controlled as a Hazardous Substance under the Environmental Protection and Management Act (EPMA) and its regulations. A license is required for the import, use and sale. |
Slovakia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1998 |
Slovenia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/1999 |
South Africa |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2006 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Chemical banned in 1997 by the Minister in terms of Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act (Act 36 of 1947). |
Sri Lanka |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1994 |
State of Palestine |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2020 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Palestinian Environmental Law No7 for the year 1999. ·Article (14) the Ministry, in coordination with the specialized agencies shall designate the environmental conditions for the import, distribution, manufacturing, use, and store of pesticides, substances, and agro-chemicals fertilizers, which may pose hazards to the environment. ·Article (15), the Ministry, in coordination with the specialized agencies shall set instructions and standards specified for agrichemicals, that are allowed to be imported, manufactured and distributed in Palestine, and shall ensure observance of it. 2. Palestinian agricultural law No. 2of 2003 give responsabilities to the Ministry of Agriculture to establish national scientific committee to register pesticides and specify technical specifications and information related to pesticides. 3. agricultural pesticides bylaw No9 for the year 2012 ·Article (4) It is prohibited to register any pesticide of the following pesticides: 1. Banned pesticides in Palestine. 2. Banned pesticides in the origin country for health or environmental reasons. 3. Pesticides classified by the World Health Organization and the US Environmental Protection Agency as containing chemicals that cause cancerous tumors, congenital malformations, genetic mutations or highly toxic to humans or animals. 4. Pesticides that cause contamination of groundwater. 4. The national scientific committee of agricultural pesticides adopt national Guide list of agricultural pesticides allowed to be used in state of Palestine. 5. The National Technical Committee for the Management of Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes reviewed the chemicals have been listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention and Stockholm convention and adopted import responses. |
Sudan |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1994 |
Suriname |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2003 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Decree negative list imports and exports, September 1, 1999, SB 34 (State Gazette). |
Switzerland |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2008 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Mercury compounds are banned as agricultural chemicals (they are not listed on Annex I of the Ordinance on Plant Protection Products, which entered into force in August 2005). Mercury compounds are prohibited for all other uses except for uses mentioned in Annex 1.7 of the Ordinance on Risk Reduction related to Chemical Products (ORRChem) which entered into force in May 2005 and which superseded the Ordinance relating to Environmentally Hazardous Substances (Osubst). Seed dressings for agricultural purposes and sealing agents for trees which were exempted from the mercury ban in the Osubst are no longer exempted from the mercury ban in the ORRChem. |
Syrian Arab Republic |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2008 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Decision: NO 1O/T Date 1O/4/1990 by Minister of Agriculture and agrarian reform |
Thailand |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1993 |
Togo |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1994 |
Tonga |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2015 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Hazardous Waste and Chemicals Act Pescitice Act |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Interim decision |
Consent to import |
12/06/2001 |
Tunisia |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2017 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
This pesticide has not been registered by the General Direction of the protection and quality control of agricultural products (DGPCQPA ) (MARHP). |
Türkiye |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1994 |
Uganda |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/1999 |
United Arab Emirates |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1998 |
United Republic of Tanzania |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1995 |
Uruguay |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1996 |
Vanuatu |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/01/1998 |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
Interim decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Viet Nam |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/06/2010 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
Banned for import, trade and use |
Yemen |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/12/2007 |
Legislative or administrative measures:
List of Banned and Severely Restricted Pesticides in Yemen. |
Zimbabwe |
Final decision |
No consent to import |
12/07/1998 |