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Armenia - Final Regulatory Action
2,4,5-T and its salts and esters CAS number:
93-76-5 (*)
Date circular:

Chemical name: Acetic acid, (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)-

Final regulatory action has been taken for the category: Pesticide

Final regulatory action: The chemical is Banned

Use or uses prohibited by the final regulatory action:

Prohibited for use as a pesticide

Pesticide use or uses that remain allowed:

The use is banned as an agricultural chemical- herbicide

The final regulatory action was based on a risk or hazard evaluation: Yes

Summary of the final regulatory action:

Banned by decree of the former USSR Ministry of Health.

The reasons for the final regulatory action were relevant to: Human health and environment

Summary of known hazards and risks to human health:

Epidemiological studies suggest an increased incidence of tumorigenicity, especially soft tissue sarcoma dur to 2,4,5-T exposure. A 1973 study reported an increased incidence of liver cancers among Vietnamese following the application as early as 1962 of "Agent Orange" (a mixture of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D) in Vietnam conflict. Human population studies on the long-term chronic effect of 2,4,5-T and/or the TCDD contaminant (including reports of spontaneous abortions and congenital malformations as a result of TCDD release over Seveso, Italy in 1976) have been inconclusive. A study on occupational exposure to TCDD by US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health cast new doubt on TCDD's potential to cause chronic health effects at low doses

Expected effect of the final regulatory action in relation to human health:

Decrease of hazards and risks to human health.

Summary of known hazards and risks to the environment:

A 1977 report to the US National Academy of Sciences stated that 2,4,5-T and TCDD have never been detected in drinking water at detection limits in part per trillion. However, application of 2,4,5-T to rice fields may result in contamination of rivers and streams. Ambient air monitoring in agricultural areas around the USA found levels ranging from 0.06 to 14.6 mg/m3. In general, the long-term ecological impact of 2,4,5-T can be considered low but increases with the level of TCDD impurity. Phytotoxic to almost all broad-leaved crops, especially cotton, tomatoes, grapes and fruit trees. The compound is long-persistent and has environmental effect s, bioaccumulation potential.

Expected effect of the final regulatory action in relation to the environment:

Decrease of hazards and risks to the environment.

Date of entry into force of the final regulatory action: