Chemical name: Final regulatory action has been taken for the category: Pesticide Final regulatory action: The chemical is Banned Use or uses prohibited by the final regulatory action: All formulations and uses of the chemical are banned. Pesticide use or uses that remain allowed: None The final regulatory action was based on a risk or hazard evaluation: No Summary of the final regulatory action: It has prohibited to production, use and place on the market all plant protection products containing DNOC since 2004, according to annual adopted list of active ingredients banned for use in plant protection products under the ?lant Protection Act. DNOC is designated as a PIC chemical. (Annex I of the Regulation on the import and export of certain dangerous chemicals on the Bulgarian territory). The import and use of the chemical for research or laboratory purposes in quantities less than 10 kg are allowed. The reasons for the final regulatory action were relevant to: Human health and environment Summary of known hazards and risks to human health: DNOC has caused acute poisoning in humans. Symptoms associated with DNOC toxicity are restlessness, a sensation of heat, flushed skin, sweating, thirst, deep and rapid respiration, tachycardia, severe increase of body temperature, and cyanosis leading to collapse, coma and death. Effects are enhanced at high environmental temperature. These effects are consistent with the proposed mechanism of action of DNOC. Expected effect of the final regulatory action in relation to human health: A reduction of hazards and risks to human health. Summary of known hazards and risks to the environment: DNOC has little effect on micro-organisms in the soil at recommended application rates. Acute toxicity to aquatic organisms is very variable, even within animal groups with LC50 values ranging from 0.07 to 5.7 mg/litre; fish were the most sensitive species in laboratory tests. Calculated toxicity exposure ratios (TERs) for aquatic organisms indicate some risk from spray drift. Application of a 5-m buffer zone reduces risk factors to acceptable levels. DNOC is acutely toxic to honey bees but exposure is likely to be low; hazard quotients for honey bees indicate low risk. TER for earthworms (LC50 at 17 mg/kg soil) indicates moderate risk following use of DNOC as a desiccant.The high acute toxicity of DNOC for birds and mammals is unlikely to be manifest in the environment because exposure is likely to be low. This conclusion is supported by limited reports of incidents in the field. Further characterization of risk is not possible because field information on residues and effects is not available. Expected effect of the final regulatory action in relation to the environment: To avoid and reduce exposure, hazards and risks of the chemical to the environment. Date of entry into force of the final regulatory action: 01/01/2004 |