Chemical name: O,S-dimethyl phosphoramidothioate Final regulatory action has been taken for the category: Pesticide Final regulatory action: The chemical is Severely Restricted Use or uses prohibited by the final regulatory action: All formulations 600 gr/l concentration of active ingredient. Pesticide use or uses that remain allowed: Only formulations = 600 go/l concentration of active ingredient The final regulatory action was based on a risk or hazard evaluation: Yes Summary of the final regulatory action: National Constitution. Sanitary Code. Law No. 12 of 14 June 2000 approved the Rotterdam Convention for the application of the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for certain hazardous pesticides and chemicals in the international trade, signed in Rotterdam on 10 September 1998. Law No.1 of 10 January 2001 on medicines and other hazardous products for human health. Executive Decree No. 305 of 9 September 2002 establishing the automatic cancellation in order to regulate the import of certain potentially hazardous chemical substances (such as substances or controlled hazardous materials), and determining other provisions. The reasons for the final regulatory action were relevant to: Human health and environment Summary of known hazards and risks to human health: Results were based on reliable international references or systematized data bases provided by toxicologists, ecotoxicologists and epidemiologists for international organizations (UNEP, IRPTC, OPS/WHO, UITOX, UIPAQ, USEPA, ASTDR, IARC, FAO, ILO) and national organizations. Adverse acute effects on humans: In contact with skin and eyes can cause burns. It is a potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Depending on the severity of the intoxication the following can occur: 1.Eyes: difficulty in accommodation, epifora, hyperemia conjunctival, myosis, blurred vision; 2. Mucous membranes: hyperemia, rhynorrhea, bronchorrea, cianorrea, disnea, thoracic pain, cough, sibilance, anorexia, stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, sialorrhea, vomiting, brachicardia, dysuria, cardiac arrest, urinary incontinence, diaforesis, headaches, temporary hypertension, dizziness, paleness, cramps, overall weakness, nervous ticks, mialgies, paralysis, anxiety, ataxia, positive Babinski, confusion, depression, convulsions, depression of respiratory and circulatory centers, sleepiness, mental perturbation, coma, and death. Adverse chronic effects on humans: For the organophosphates it has been reported in general: lowering of the activity of cholinesterase (which can be similar to the effects caused by an acute intoxication), difficulty in memorization and concentration, disorientation, severe depression, irritability, difficulty in speaking, retarded reaction, nightmares, insomnia, abnormal electroencephalogram and neuropsychiatry test, and can persist for several months after an acute exposure. It has been associated with the appearance of delayed peripheral neuropathy. In laboratory test animals fertility rates have been observed decreased in the female population having descendents. It has been found decrease in the number and viability of human sperm. There have been found teratogenic effects in test animals. Expected effect of the final regulatory action in relation to human health: Will be consented only if registered and restricted for the use, as under Agreement No. 9 of 2000- XXIII RESSCAD Meeting by the Health Ministers of Central America and Dominican Republic, and will be under conditional non automatic preliminary registration. The product is subject to the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure that requires that hazardous substances and pesticides that are banned or severely restricted must not be exported, unless the importing country provides explicit consent. Those countries that do not consent to import such substances are obliged to prohibit national production of the substance for domestic uses. Summary of known hazards and risks to the environment: The inherent risks to human health and environment are higher than the benefits obtained with the use, there are no measures to reduce risks to acceptable level, and better alternatives can be found. Reducing exposure to risk factor will reduce the effects on the population directly exposed (occupational) and on the population indirectly exposed (accidental, environmental or acquired) to this product. It is easily spreadable on soils. It is highly toxic for mammals, birds, aquatic organisms and bees. Expected effect of the final regulatory action in relation to the environment: The product is subject to the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure which requires that those hazardous substances and pesticides that are banned or severely restricted would not be exported, unless the importing country provides explicit consent. Those countries that do not consent such substances are obliged to prohibit national production of the substance for domestic uses. It is declared prohibited by the Government of Panama. Date of entry into force of the final regulatory action: 01/01/2002 |