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Australia - Final Regulatory Action
Monocrotophos CAS number:
Date circular:

Chemical name:

Final regulatory action has been taken for the category: Pesticide

Final regulatory action: The chemical is Banned

Use or uses prohibited by the final regulatory action:

The formulation was a soluble concentrate. This formulation and all uses of monocrotophos are prohibited.

Pesticide use or uses that remain allowed:


The final regulatory action was based on a risk or hazard evaluation: Yes

Summary of the final regulatory action:

The active constituent approval for monocrotophos, together with all product registrations and associated label approvals for all products containing monocrotophos, were cancelled.

The reasons for the final regulatory action were relevant to: Human health and environment

Summary of known hazards and risks to human health:

Monocrotophos posed a high level of occupational exposure risk.

Expected effect of the final regulatory action in relation to human health:

Banning monocrotophos will reduce human health risks to workers.

Summary of known hazards and risks to the environment:

Monocrotophos posed risks to the environment, especially birds and aquatic species.

Expected effect of the final regulatory action in relation to the environment:

The potential for adverse environmental effects is expected to be significantly reduced as monocrotophos is replaced with less hazardous alternatives.

Date of entry into force of the final regulatory action: 09/12/1999